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Posts by tag: political bias

Is “The Times of India” a pro-Congress or a pro-BJP newspaper?

Is “The Times of India” a pro-Congress or a pro-BJP newspaper?

Well hello there, dear readers! I'm sure you're just as curious as I was in answering this spicy question: "Is 'The Times of India' a pro-Congress or a pro-BJP newspaper?" Let's dive into this intriguing topic, shall we? Now, I've been reading the TOI since I was a wee lad and trust me, it's not as simple as choosing your favorite flavor of ice cream! From my perspective, they seem to maintain a delicate balance, like a tightrope walker, between both sides. They publish articles favoring both Congress and BJP, stirring up a pot of political gumbo. So, I'd say they're more of a political Switzerland, maintaining neutrality while keeping us hooked with their spicy headlines.

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