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Kavya Stabbed Ragini! Swaragini 4th April 2016 Monday Episode Update | NEWS NATION WORLD

Kavya Stabbed Ragini! Swaragini 4th April 2016 Monday Episode Update

In the last episode of Swaragini we saw that there was Holika Puja in Maheshwari house in which Sumi and Shekhar arrived and everyone welcomed them. Swaga hugged them and said she is so happy to see them all here. Also we saw that Lakshya apologized to Shekhar for slapping him.


 Swaragini 4th April 2016 Written Update

Kavya aka Tania arrived there and offered Lakshya aarti after which he fainted and she took the benefit of that and took Lakshya apart from other celebration area. Ragini saw old lady carrying Lakshya with him she followed them and saw that old lady is non other than Kavya aks Tania. Ragini followed them via taxi and called Swara but she didn’t picked the call then Swara called her and Ragini informed her about Lakshya’s kidnapping.

Tania aka Kavya took Lakshya to an under construction building where she leave Lakshya sitting on a chair with locked hands under three sided chamber of bricks. Ragini asks Swara to reach there soon. Kavya talked to Lakshya that she will take revenge from him but Lakshya was unconscious. Lakshya came in action and tried to escape by hitting Kavya but Kavya hit him on head and left him in that chamber and made the fourth wall with bricks and cement.

Now in today’s episode of Swaragini we will see that Swara and Sanskar will reach there and Ragini will tell them that Lakshya is inside this chamber of bricks and she starts crying. Swara, Sanskar and Ragini tried to break the wall but from the back Kavya sounds that you will never be able to save Lakshya and today her revenge will go completed.

Kavya aka Tania says that he has to die today, he has to pay for the act which she did with me. On that Swara argued with her and Kavya came to stab Swara but Ragini came in between and Kavya stabbed Ragini in her stomach. Everyone goes shocked and Swara shouted Ragini. Stay tuned for more updates of Swaragini.

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